Tuesday, June 16, 2009
She's ba-ack!!!!
Okies. Finally we have a place, are moved in somewhat and I am back. While I was gone however the land for the shop was repo'd lol. No worries, I will have a location set up in the next couple of weeks (after I find a huge sandbox to unpack the returned stuff in). It may be a tiny bit before I can get some new stuff out to you though, it seems someone tried to fry my computer while I was locked up in the shelter lol. It's running good again so I should have my programs installed something new coming eventually lol. As always I am looking for your ideas and suggestions as to what you wanna see in the shop/location so drop a notecard on me please!!!!!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Hi guys!! I have been missing in action for almost a month now with no access to SL or my blog here. For those who are closest you know why, for all you other smexy people I feel I owe you an explanation. Since April 15th my children and I have been living in a women's shelter because my apartment is no longer safe for us. With a flooding basement, caving in ceilings, broken windows and hydro bills of almost 1000$ every 2 months it has become unlivable. I wish I could say that my absence is going to be a short one but unfortunately the cost of living is ridiculous and finding an affordable apartment is becoming my life's work lol. Rest assured that when I come back I will have some newness for you all, I do believe I was working on some awesome stuff before I had to leave so keep your eyes open and on the blog here for updates as I get them and can pass them along to you all!!!!
Much lub!!!
Much lub!!!
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Finally, after dragging myself out of the Twilight book series I have newness for ya's!!
Just a few basic bangles, some black straw cowboy hats and a colour and texture change cupcake collar. Here's some pics!!!

I also have 8 white freebies out in the shop, just look for the white gift boxes inside the door. Inside are white springtime accessories like hats and bangles etc. I've also got a black skull n crossbone belt out for free for ya's to grab up too!!!
Much lub!
Just a few basic bangles, some black straw cowboy hats and a colour and texture change cupcake collar. Here's some pics!!!

I also have 8 white freebies out in the shop, just look for the white gift boxes inside the door. Inside are white springtime accessories like hats and bangles etc. I've also got a black skull n crossbone belt out for free for ya's to grab up too!!!
Much lub!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Cup o' tea??
A very merry unbirthday to you, and you and you and you!!!! Ok, so the song was stuck in my head forever so I titled the new notice with it lol. I released a mens Metal Head collar today that has some really nice textures that you change through a menu. I also put out some basic bangles in mostly pinks but some funky patterns. The last new release I have is a charm bracelet that can be personalized, there are 2 sets of charms you can buy with lots more to come!!! I'm offering a free cupcake fight in the shop that can be bought from the huge cupcake inside the door and in the subscribe-o there are 3 other charms for your embellishing pleasure!!
I've also got some big sales going on. Down in the discount basement all items in the vendors are 10L....all of them!!!!!! I've also moved the gummi bear sets that I had out on the coffee table down there and marked them for free in colour sets. If you venture upstairs to the lucky chairs you'll also find that all the tattoos are 10L as well. Lots of great deals!!!!
Meh here's some pics!!!

I've also got some big sales going on. Down in the discount basement all items in the vendors are 10L....all of them!!!!!! I've also moved the gummi bear sets that I had out on the coffee table down there and marked them for free in colour sets. If you venture upstairs to the lucky chairs you'll also find that all the tattoos are 10L as well. Lots of great deals!!!!
Meh here's some pics!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009
*does a jig*
It's stuck in my head. Will it stick in yours?? I sure hope so *winks*......stay posted!!!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Charmed I'm sure!!!
Woot!!! I have been a busy little beaver the past couple of days. I admit I've got a whole lot of a single item but wow it's so worth it....and I'm not saying anymore about it other than think cheap!!!! I actually have a few things on the go; a couple sets of bangles, a collar and possibly some shoes or boots if not both so stay tuned!!!!!
Much lub;
Much lub;
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ok so I blanked on a title lol something tells me that writing a blog post when I've just opened my eyes is a bad idea but meh...here I go anyway lol.
I have set the shop back up here:
I haven't changed anything except moving the valentine's stuff to the bargain room lol. I am as I said working on some new stuff for ya's and I hope to get some done by the end of the weekend. It's been a long process in between fighting to get online and ripping up my rl kitchen floor but the newness is coming I promise. I also still have the arm and leg warmers on the second floor marked down to half price for a little while longer yet. As I said I have some things planned for ya's and hopefully they'll be fully ready shortly...all I'm going to say is be prepared for freebies, fun and fabness!!!!!
Now imma crawl into my building hole and see what I can get accomplished today!!
Much lub;
I have set the shop back up here:
I haven't changed anything except moving the valentine's stuff to the bargain room lol. I am as I said working on some new stuff for ya's and I hope to get some done by the end of the weekend. It's been a long process in between fighting to get online and ripping up my rl kitchen floor but the newness is coming I promise. I also still have the arm and leg warmers on the second floor marked down to half price for a little while longer yet. As I said I have some things planned for ya's and hopefully they'll be fully ready shortly...all I'm going to say is be prepared for freebies, fun and fabness!!!!!
Now imma crawl into my building hole and see what I can get accomplished today!!
Much lub;
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Rollin on a river!!!
Ok so I'm not so inventive with my blog post titles but I do come with an update. I am still in the creating room working on bringing you new smexy stuff. I have something big in the works for you all as well so keep your eyes open!!!!
I'm going to take this time to I guess vent a little. As anyone who really knows me will tell you I loathe drama. I hate it with every fiber in my being and have been known to delete and mute people off my list immediately for bringing it into my sl life. What baffles me the most is the drama on the blogs...drama over who blogged what first, who is calling their blog what, who's blog pics are better yadda yadda yadda. Seriously....isn't life a bit short to be stressin over such petty, childish things?? I mean does drama make your life that more exciting? I know it just stresses me the hell out for the most part, especially the whole "I saw it/had it/knew about it first" crud, SL is only so big people, of course someone else is going to see something you have/own/blogged about that's life, it's becoming the same way rl if you think about it. There is no individuality unless you yourself strive for it and make your own clothes, jewellery, cut your own hair, dye your own hair etc etc. Let's not revert back to school yard antics and bullying it's unbecoming of the barbie's we all are in SL. K....my lil vent done lol
I'm going to take this time to I guess vent a little. As anyone who really knows me will tell you I loathe drama. I hate it with every fiber in my being and have been known to delete and mute people off my list immediately for bringing it into my sl life. What baffles me the most is the drama on the blogs...drama over who blogged what first, who is calling their blog what, who's blog pics are better yadda yadda yadda. Seriously....isn't life a bit short to be stressin over such petty, childish things?? I mean does drama make your life that more exciting? I know it just stresses me the hell out for the most part, especially the whole "I saw it/had it/knew about it first" crud, SL is only so big people, of course someone else is going to see something you have/own/blogged about that's life, it's becoming the same way rl if you think about it. There is no individuality unless you yourself strive for it and make your own clothes, jewellery, cut your own hair, dye your own hair etc etc. Let's not revert back to school yard antics and bullying it's unbecoming of the barbie's we all are in SL. K....my lil vent done lol
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
We interrupt this program for a brief intermission
ya ya I know "but you just moved there" and yes I did, but just like everything else in life, change happens. It seems the sim that the shop was on...yet again....got sold without my knowledge. Not that it was a bad thing honestly, great for the previous owner etc etc. The issue was that with that change of hands came some pretty harsh (both on the eyes and in general lack of respect) issues that I had to deal with in just 2 days of new ownership. Not only was this an issue as it was partly an act of sim spam that made me decide to leave the land but I suffered a hard blow the last time I had to move the shop and never recovered the losses, both in L and emotionally. Things have been rough this past couple of months with creativity issues, rl illness, bad net connection and having to move a bajillion times lol. I figure what I need at this moment, instead of jumping right back in is to sit back and rebuild. I will be working on new creations, and releasing a select few of them in the small shop location which I will have listed in my pics shortly I promise. This won't be a long absence....they never are really for me.....but it should be a productive one. I thank you all for your patience and patronage etc etc and will see you all very soon *winks*
Much lub;
Much lub;
Friday, February 20, 2009
Who'da thunk it, new stuff has come and gone and I totally forgot to blog about it....so sorry guys. I also forgot to tip ya's off about Freebie Friday today, although it was a very brief run of it. Again sowwy guys. This post however is to let you know that in 2 weeks (hoping all goes well and I haven't had to move again *sighs*) we will be having another FREEBIE FRIDAY!!!!!
What is freebie friday some ask. Well.....Freebie Friday is an event of my own creation where for a certain amount of hours I set a random item in the shop as free for a half hour. At the end of that half hour, the item changes. Basically it's a freebie every half hour!!!! How can you go wrong? I usually am in the shop during this event and as most have discovered, if I'm in the shop I gotta play with the lucky chairs too....no pesky Z's or Q's allowed (unless of course there's a Z or Q name in the shop lol)
As for new stuffs......I have a couple of things on the go at the moment that are delectable and delish and all that sweet stuff. I am sure that by the time I finally have some stuff for you there will be tons to put here and show off.
I do want to take a chance real quick to congratulate a great designer and friend, Ivey on the upcoming Sn@tch City....again wtg girl!!! *mwah*
KK that's it for this kitty for now.
Much lub;
What is freebie friday some ask. Well.....Freebie Friday is an event of my own creation where for a certain amount of hours I set a random item in the shop as free for a half hour. At the end of that half hour, the item changes. Basically it's a freebie every half hour!!!! How can you go wrong? I usually am in the shop during this event and as most have discovered, if I'm in the shop I gotta play with the lucky chairs too....no pesky Z's or Q's allowed (unless of course there's a Z or Q name in the shop lol)
As for new stuffs......I have a couple of things on the go at the moment that are delectable and delish and all that sweet stuff. I am sure that by the time I finally have some stuff for you there will be tons to put here and show off.
I do want to take a chance real quick to congratulate a great designer and friend, Ivey on the upcoming Sn@tch City....again wtg girl!!! *mwah*
KK that's it for this kitty for now.
Much lub;
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
*drags herself to the puter*
Heya guys!! Long time no see lol. I am alive....barely so if you go by the stuffy nose and inability to inhale without choking to death...but alive still lol. I am working on some awesome stuff for ya's that hopefully will be out at some point this week. It seems that not only am I sick my connection is having random bouts of vomitting all over the dang place so getting in world has become sort of like that great elusive pink elephant that people say they've seen.
I will update however on what's been goin on in the world of the sauciness. The shop has moved, this is probably old news for most of you. With that move came a gorgeous new build too and omg I gotta toot my own horn here (blows nose) it's perfect!!! It offers 3 floors, having a discount area in the basement, the lucky chairs upstairs and the new releases and other goodies on the main floor. I hope to be in this location for a very long time and even possibly expand, the neighbours are fab!!!
Ok, time for my sick butt to try to either work or finally keel over from lack of oxygen o.O
Much lub,
I will update however on what's been goin on in the world of the sauciness. The shop has moved, this is probably old news for most of you. With that move came a gorgeous new build too and omg I gotta toot my own horn here (blows nose) it's perfect!!! It offers 3 floors, having a discount area in the basement, the lucky chairs upstairs and the new releases and other goodies on the main floor. I hope to be in this location for a very long time and even possibly expand, the neighbours are fab!!!
Ok, time for my sick butt to try to either work or finally keel over from lack of oxygen o.O
Much lub,
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Movin on up!!!!!
Okies......more changes....loverly!!!! This change however I"m quiet excited about. Due to the sim that the shop is currently located on being sold I have had to move yet again. No worries you lovelies, we have a new saucy spot with a sweetly awesome build on it!!!! Within the next couple of days the old shop will be no more and everything will be in the new one with some sweet changes. Keep posted and get ready for the most awesome sauce you can think of coming for the future!!!!
Much lub!
Much lub!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
"I"m going through changes........"
And boy I'm not liking them one bit so far!! It seems that LL has branched out further and snagged up both Onrez and Xstreet SL. We're not sure just yet the effects it will have on Xstreet SL other than joining the L balances from in world and on there but something tells me it's not going to be a good thing down the line. It's also been brought to my attention through the Xstreet Sl forums that LL is talking about merging the teen and adult grids together. Now this is going to pose a large problem for those of us that are creators. We will now have the massive teen talent coming over and fighting for the business we already all fight over and to top it off, all adult content will be affected drastically. I may just be playing the pessimist here but I see things going down hill rapidly for sl and us the creators and just hope that it doesn't kill those of us just starting up off with all the changes.
Much lub!
A sad Pho
Much lub!
A sad Pho
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Sparkle? Glitter?? What the heck are these things???
Ok, I did it, I finally caved and have immersed myself in a world of pretty glittery and shiny things. *hangs head in shame* I have done up some sweet stuff these past couple of days and have eaten beyond my fair share of gummi bears o.O. Then someone had to throw a lollipop at me and well...the sweet spree continued. Now that I have a sore tummy from the candy, a headache from my inability to stay logged into SL and a notebook full of brilliant ideas of things to come but in the end I've got a great free gift out. As usual, if anyone has any ideas on things they wanna see...if anyone comes by here that is lmao...let me know, I'll be happy to see what I can do!! Back to my locked cell to hopefully get these toopid vendor images done up finally!
Much lub;
Much lub;
Friday, January 9, 2009
I'm a headcase!!!
Ok it's official...I'm a headcase. I've gone totally bonkers for this sweet cowboy hat sculpt I found and well of course I had to make some saucy hats for ya's with it!
Firstly are some for the men. I know I'm famous for forgetting about you guys and I'm sorry, hopefully this makes up for it a bit at least! I did up 5 different hats, all the same basic texture but with a different image on the front of each one. They are banded in a heavy chain that is finished off by 3 small metal skulls. A great topper for that biker look that's so sexy rawrrr!!!!

I know what you're thinking....."omg, she didn't do any bright colours in them!" Bwahahaha yesh I did!!! At the request/suggestion/prodding of my dear friend Kitty I have done some coloured checker hats!! They have little kitty skull and cross bones on them and are wrapped with a dangly paw print chain! I even did purple o.O.

Okies and now to my fav out of the new stuff!!! A talking Hello Kitty Doll! She's so adorable that I can't stop poking at her and I have no doubts you'll feel the same.

Okies that's it for me for now at least lmao!!
Much lub!
Firstly are some for the men. I know I'm famous for forgetting about you guys and I'm sorry, hopefully this makes up for it a bit at least! I did up 5 different hats, all the same basic texture but with a different image on the front of each one. They are banded in a heavy chain that is finished off by 3 small metal skulls. A great topper for that biker look that's so sexy rawrrr!!!!

I know what you're thinking....."omg, she didn't do any bright colours in them!" Bwahahaha yesh I did!!! At the request/suggestion/prodding of my dear friend Kitty I have done some coloured checker hats!! They have little kitty skull and cross bones on them and are wrapped with a dangly paw print chain! I even did purple o.O.

Okies and now to my fav out of the new stuff!!! A talking Hello Kitty Doll! She's so adorable that I can't stop poking at her and I have no doubts you'll feel the same.

Okies that's it for me for now at least lmao!!
Much lub!
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Flickr Part 2
I guess it would help if I gave you the url for the flickr group lol.
Hopefully that takes you there, if not let me know please and I'll fix it...or at least try to o.O
Hopefully that takes you there, if not let me know please and I'll fix it...or at least try to o.O
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I have also started up a flickr group for you to add your pics of yourself wearing A.S gear to! They don't have to be gorgeous images and heck you can even just take a pic of yourself in the shop doing something crazy I don't mind just have fun with it!
Hi all!!! I figured it was time I started a blog for the store so here it is!!! I however can't make it a great blog without some feedback from you guys, my customers and friends. Let me know what you want to see here, other than hints as to the new releases coming out lol. I will post events that I will be having here as well as any other saucy things I might be doing for you all!! I hope you enjoy what is put here and again drop me your suggestions so I can help make this blog the best it can be for you the customer!
Much lub!
Much lub!
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