Ok so I'm not so inventive with my blog post titles but I do come with an update. I am still in the creating room working on bringing you new smexy stuff. I have something big in the works for you all as well so keep your eyes open!!!!
I'm going to take this time to I guess vent a little. As anyone who really knows me will tell you I loathe drama. I hate it with every fiber in my being and have been known to delete and mute people off my list immediately for bringing it into my sl life. What baffles me the most is the drama on the blogs...drama over who blogged what first, who is calling their blog what, who's blog pics are better yadda yadda yadda. Seriously....isn't life a bit short to be stressin over such petty, childish things?? I mean does drama make your life that more exciting? I know it just stresses me the hell out for the most part, especially the whole "I saw it/had it/knew about it first" crud, SL is only so big people, of course someone else is going to see something you have/own/blogged about that's life, it's becoming the same way rl if you think about it. There is no individuality unless you yourself strive for it and make your own clothes, jewellery, cut your own hair, dye your own hair etc etc. Let's not revert back to school yard antics and bullying it's unbecoming of the barbie's we all are in SL. K....my lil vent done lol