Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cup o' tea??

A very merry unbirthday to you, and you and you and you!!!! Ok, so the song was stuck in my head forever so I titled the new notice with it lol. I released a mens Metal Head collar today that has some really nice textures that you change through a menu. I also put out some basic bangles in mostly pinks but some funky patterns. The last new release I have is a charm bracelet that can be personalized, there are 2 sets of charms you can buy with lots more to come!!! I'm offering a free cupcake fight in the shop that can be bought from the huge cupcake inside the door and in the subscribe-o there are 3 other charms for your embellishing pleasure!!

I've also got some big sales going on. Down in the discount basement all items in the vendors are 10L....all of them!!!!!! I've also moved the gummi bear sets that I had out on the coffee table down there and marked them for free in colour sets. If you venture upstairs to the lucky chairs you'll also find that all the tattoos are 10L as well. Lots of great deals!!!!

Meh here's some pics!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

*does a jig*

It's stuck in my head. Will it stick in yours?? I sure hope so *winks*......stay posted!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Charmed I'm sure!!!

Woot!!! I have been a busy little beaver the past couple of days. I admit I've got a whole lot of a single item but wow it's so worth it....and I'm not saying anymore about it other than think cheap!!!! I actually have a few things on the go; a couple sets of bangles, a collar and possibly some shoes or boots if not both so stay tuned!!!!!

Much lub;

Friday, March 6, 2009


Ok so I blanked on a title lol something tells me that writing a blog post when I've just opened my eyes is a bad idea but I go anyway lol.

I have set the shop back up here:

I haven't changed anything except moving the valentine's stuff to the bargain room lol. I am as I said working on some new stuff for ya's and I hope to get some done by the end of the weekend. It's been a long process in between fighting to get online and ripping up my rl kitchen floor but the newness is coming I promise. I also still have the arm and leg warmers on the second floor marked down to half price for a little while longer yet. As I said I have some things planned for ya's and hopefully they'll be fully ready shortly...all I'm going to say is be prepared for freebies, fun and fabness!!!!!

Now imma crawl into my building hole and see what I can get accomplished today!!

Much lub;

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Rollin on a river!!!

Ok so I'm not so inventive with my blog post titles but I do come with an update. I am still in the creating room working on bringing you new smexy stuff. I have something big in the works for you all as well so keep your eyes open!!!!

I'm going to take this time to I guess vent a little. As anyone who really knows me will tell you I loathe drama. I hate it with every fiber in my being and have been known to delete and mute people off my list immediately for bringing it into my sl life. What baffles me the most is the drama on the blogs...drama over who blogged what first, who is calling their blog what, who's blog pics are better yadda yadda yadda. Seriously....isn't life a bit short to be stressin over such petty, childish things?? I mean does drama make your life that more exciting? I know it just stresses me the hell out for the most part, especially the whole "I saw it/had it/knew about it first" crud, SL is only so big people, of course someone else is going to see something you have/own/blogged about that's life, it's becoming the same way rl if you think about it. There is no individuality unless you yourself strive for it and make your own clothes, jewellery, cut your own hair, dye your own hair etc etc. Let's not revert back to school yard antics and bullying it's unbecoming of the barbie's we all are in SL. lil vent done lol